Growing CTE/STEM Teachers

California faces a shortage in qualified Science, Technology, Engineering and Math/Career and Technical Education (STEM/CTE) instructors who have the work experience, proficiency in academic subject areas, and pedagogical knowledge to effectively prepare high school and community college students for careers. With 32 trade and technical schools and 28 community colleges offering CTE programs in the San Francisco Bay Area alone, the need for well-prepared CTE teachers in this region is enormous. To meet the workforce needs of the science- and technology-focused economy of the San Francisco Bay Area, it is critical that CTE teacher preparation efforts include a commitment to increasing the pool of qualified STEM teachers at the secondary and community college level. The City College of San Francisco's "Growing CTE/STEM Teachers" project aims to ensure that clear pathways exist for future STEM/CTE teachers at the high school and community college levels. These pathways will include resources, support, information, courses, and partnerships with employers. The project will focus on those priority or emerging industry sectors identified by the California Community Colleges Chancellors Office. These include: advanced manufacturing; advanced transportation and renewables; agriculture, water and environmental technologies; energy efficiency and utilities; ICT/digital media; and life sciences/biotechnology. 

This project will carry out four primary activities in pursuit of its goal of increasing the pool of qualified STEM teachers at the secondary and community college level. First, the project team will engage in outreach to recruit high school students, community college students, and individuals already in the workforce into CTE/STEM teacher preparation pathways. Second, the principal investigators (PIs) will provide student support services to increase persistence and completion rates. Third, the PIs will provide technical assistance and professional development to other colleges in the region and statewide and serve as a clearinghouse for technical assistance and professional development, especially in the area of CTE/STEM teacher preparation. Finally, the project will advocate for CTE/STEM teacher preparation as a vital part of the statewide infrastructure supporting STEM-based CTE industries.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
October 1st, 2018
ATE Expiration Date
September 30th, 2021
ATE Principal Investigator
Kathleen White
Primary Institution
City College of San Francisco
Record Type
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