Laser and Fiber Optics Regional Center

The LASER-TEC Resource Center supports efforts to increase the lasers, optics, photonics, and fiber optics (LOPFO) technical workforce. The Resource Center will update and maintain educational services and materials and provide open access these resources to secondary, post-secondary, and industry educational and training programs. Project aims include: 1) developing a comprehensive, high-performing, and responsive website that will house and distribute all LOPFO educational products funded by the National Science Foundation and other US government agencies; 2) updating technical content and high-impact pedagogical strategies to improve all curricular materials; 3) creating tailored content and conducting professional development events for teachers, college instructors, counselors, advisors, administrators, incumbent industry members, and other communities to discuss best practices and increase their technical knowledge; 4) conducting outreach to inform K-12 and college educators about the availability of LOPFO resources; and 5) supporting efforts to build or enhance bridges between industries that need LOPFO technicians and colleges that offer LOPFO programs. 

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
1304628, 1700352, 2000166
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
September 1st, 2013
ATE Expiration Date
August 31st, 2025
ATE Principal Investigator
Natalia Chekhovskaya
Primary Institution
Indian River Community College
Record Type
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