Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence

This ATE Center of Excellence is based on a solid foundation of past work and successful multi-institution collaboration. The Center builds on proven programs, curriculum, and partnerships, and takes them to the next level. The Center's guiding vision is a 21st Century education system that prepares individuals to participate fully in rewarding careers in manufacturing and which completely meets the needs of the region's manufacturing employers. A single goal is proposed: to increase the quantity, quality, and diversity of technicians in the field of manufacturing.

To accomplish the goal, 360° proposes three objectives: 1) to enhance the pipeline that prepares students for rigorous manufacturing technician-level programs and entices them to pursue manufacturing careers while implementing strategies to target under-represented student groups; 2) to refine industry-driven curriculum that is relevant to today's and tomorrow's manufacturing industry; and 3) to assess student learning with both an internal and external focus: an internal focus to drive ongoing program improvement, and an external focus to provide accountability for all stakeholders and evidence of student achievement.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
1204550, 1600927
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
June 15th, 2012
ATE Expiration Date
August 31st, 2021
ATE Principal Investigator
Jeremy Leffelman
Primary Institution
Bemidji State University
Record Type
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