About ATE Impacts

NSF's Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program has grown and deepened its influence on postsecondary and secondary education during its thirty year tenure. The ATE Impacts book and blog are intended to inform educators, college administrators, industry partners, students, and parents about ATE's important work preparing technicians for employment in advanced technology fields, as well as improving the skills of educators who teach aspiring and incumbent technicians.

Dissemination of the ATE Impacts book helps advance understanding of the importance of technicians to the vitality of high-tech industries that drive the economy. By highlighting the successful, innovative work of ATE centers and projects, the book will encourage broader participation in the ATE program by academic institutions, educators, and industry partners. The accompanying video series share the experiences of those featured in the book – students, administrators, educators, and industry partners – and the profound impact of ATE initiatives on their lives and careers.

In conjunction with the book and videos, the ATE Impacts blog provides a variety of information for educators and other stakeholders with a specific focus on sharing out success stories from ATE grantees and focusing on topics of interest to the community -  including improving outreach activities, creating more accessible resources and environments, and strengthening social media efforts.  Those from within and beyond ATE are encouraged to use the content from the blog on their own sites and as a jumping off point for blog posts, webinars, recruitment, and professional development activities.

Finally, the ATE Impacts photo library offers an extensive collection of visual imagery documenting ATE and ATE-related activities and outcomes, that grantees and other stakeholders can leverage to enhance their outreach and dissemination efforts.

Both the book and blog can assist ATE PIs and other educators with their outreach to wider audiences, particularly student populations that are underrepresented in STEM fields. The combination of the print ATE Impacts book and videos, the digital ATE Impacts blog, and the ATE Impacts photo library help maximize dissemination of ATE's successes, and ultimately help support STEM education and development of a stronger skilled technical workforce.

Using ATE Impacts Materials

Everything created by ATE Impacts is freely available for use but must include attribution.

For citing the current book, please use the following:

Internet Scout Research Group. ATE Impacts 2024-2025. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2024.

For citing the videos, please use:

Internet Scout Research Group.  "ATE Impacts Video – Allan Hancock College."  Filmed 2023.  University of Wisconsin-Madison. https://ateimpacts.net/impacts/videos

Note: The example above would be for the Allan Hancock College Video; please include appropriate institution name for whichever video you are citing.  For the first set of videos, please also change the filmed date to 2021.

For citing the photos, please see attribution information included with individual photos as attribution and Creative Commons licensing information varies from photo to photo.

Publisher Information

ATE Impacts is created by a team of project partners lead by Internet Scout Research Group, a research center based in the Computer Sciences department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, under funding from the US National Science Foundation via DUE#2032738.


Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the views presented on ATE Impacts are those of the individual author or contributor, and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the US National Science Foundation or other participating organizations.