ATE Impacts 2020-2021

OeafTEC's remake of Khan Academy algebra videos in American Sign Language (ASL) improves access to online resources for deaf/hh students. DeafTEC Professional Development Breaks Down Barriers DeafTEC provides professional development on site and online for high school teachers, community college faculty, and employers to improve access to learning and STEM technician employment for deaf/hh individuals. DeafTEC also offers on-campus workshops aimed at improving instruction and services for student veterans with hearing loss. The workshops are customized to address the needs of students and faculty. By using pre-program surveys of student veterans, DeafTEC helps STEM faculty and disability services identify strategies that help bridge their efforts to address their student veterans' unmet needs. DeafTEC partners with national conferences to broaden the understanding of how disability inclusion can build a stronger STEM workforce. In 2020, DeafTEC will send teams from 20 community colleges to the Equity and Excellence Access in High Education Conference. In 2021, DeafTEC will send six educators to participate in sessions with business diversity leaders at the Disability:IN Annual Conference & Expo. DeafTEC Builds Khan Academy American Sign Language Demonstration Website DeafTEC is partnering with Khan Academy to develop a model for online STEM instructional videos in American Sign Language (ASL). Making ASL an official language on Khan Academy will improve access and help lessen the achievement gap in mathematics for deaf/hh individuals. I learned practical things in this course that I can apply to my work. I would recommend this course to a colleague. 96% (116/121) Agreed or strongly agreed 93% (113/122) Agreed or strongly agreed I will share what I learned in this course with others. 95% (116/122) Agreed or strongly agreed As a result of this course, I am better prepared to work with deaf/hh coworkers. 97% (118/122) Agreed or strongly agreed