ATE Impacts 2020-2021

ATE Central Supports Innovation & Collaboration In its role as an information hub for the community, ATE Central helps educators and other stakeholders build on work created with ATE funding to support innovation in community college STEM programs. Through a diverse set of pathways, which include social media, webinars, publications, and the project website, ATE Central encourages educators to leverage and build on the work created within ATE, to benefit their institutions, programs, faculty, and students. ATE Central also works with organizations outside ATE, such as the American Association of Community Colleges and Achieving the Dream, to foster collaborations with ATE grantees and create partnerships and activities that benefit both communities. Through its dissemination and outreach pathways, ATE Central highlights the impacts of the ATE program on students, faculty, and institutions. ATE Central's resource collection ensures that educators have access to materials that can benefit students in a variety of settings.