ATE Impacts 2020-2021

SMART Reaches Students & Educators in Strategic Locations Across the US SMART youth initiatives-including field days, workshops, and summer camps-give students hands-on experiences with the maritime industry while they learn about STEM careers. Regional professional development opportunities inform educators about the benefits of the industry and maritime career pathways. During 2019, SMART hosted 21 events in five strategic locations on the East Coast, Gulf Coast, and West Coast. These events directly impacted 392 educators and 2,731 students. Through these participants SMART successfully reached students and educators in every major maritime area of the country. Welding is the highest-demand technical skill in the maritime industry. SMART also produced the All Hands on Deck program in 2019. The center was eager to provide this national maritime education forum for industry and education leaders to share and develop new strategies for building maritime education programs that meet industry expectations. This conference brought together secondary, postsecondary, industry, and government leaders from across the country to share best practices for maritime education. More than 100 attendees participated in sessions on creating collaborations and partnerships, teaching emerging maritime technologies, and growing STEM education programs. Total Maritime Pathways Enrollments Total Martime Credit Certificate*/Degree Completions Total Maritime Non-Credit Certificate Completions* 'Manystudents earn mulitple certificates.