ATE Impacts 2020-2021

Intensive Professional Development & ROV Competitions Lead to Student Success Through intense summer institutes, MATE has provided more than 850 educators with professional development. Eighty percent of the week-long institutes have focused on Underwater Robotics and Engineering Design where college, university, and secondary educators are presented with an underwater mission and challenged to build an underwater robot to accomplish the mission. MATE's summer institutes receive high marks with 97% of the educators rating the institutes as excellent and 86% of the educators returning to their schools and building ROVs with their students. MATE has a variety of resources to help the teachers and students succeed. These resources include the comprehensive textbook Underwater Robotics: Science, Design and Fabrication, 100+ educational modules, four levels of ROV kits, an online store that sells Marine technicians prepare to drop a sensor package below sea ice. ROV kits and accessories, and a world-wide network of ROV competitions. MATE coordinates 40 regional competitions in North America and elsewhere that lead to its World Championship every June. In surveys, competition alumni have reported that their participation on ROV teams played an instrumental role in obtaining jobs, internships, and scholarships and even starting businesses. .J Labrador rovaScotia rthCarolina� � MATE Regional ROV Competition Network The MATE ROV Competition Network consists of 40 regional events: 25 in the US and neighboring countries, and 15 in other international locations. 45