ATE Impacts 2020-2021

Laney College Oakland, CA QBEST Eng Building Ef ficiency for a Sustainable Tomorrow Center "BEST enhances our program by motivating me as an instructor. These workshops build up my weak areas­ some I never knew existed. As a higher-performing instructor, I will produce higher-performing students, and they will become higher­ performing employees." Charles Miller, Energy Systems Technology Instructor Walla Walla Community College Walla Walla, WA With Expansion, BEST Network Educates More Highly Qualified Building Technicians BEST has steadily expanded into a network BEST of more than 70 colleges supporting the building operations sector. Through BuildingEfficiencyforaSustainableTomorrow BEST's faculty workshops and webinars, more than 260 instructors and administrators have been introduced to new technologies and strategies to advance their programs and student outcomes. In addition, employers report that BEST graduates • are knowledgeable about building systems and energy conservation, • learn quickly and possess excellent hands-on skills, and • transition effectively to the workplace. Through innovative curricula and successful entries into the workforce, BEST and its network of colleges are delivering well-prepared students to become a new generation of high-performance building technicians. Educators compare buildingsystems data during a workshop exercise at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.