ATE Impacts 2020-2021

Enhancing Aquaculture University of Alaska Southeast, Sitka, AK http : / / Innovative Approach Enhances Aquaculture Instruction in Alaska The Enhancing Aquaculture project partnered with Alaska salmon hatcheries to create an engaging, experiential program that pre­ pares students for fishery industry careers in remote settings. A key result is an industry-recognized occupational endorsement for students who complete the 13-credit Salmon Culture Semester. In addition to faculty-led lessons, students intern for 150 hours at aquaculture facilities in Southeast Alaska. There they learn from � ... - ...... Students learn to dissect salmon smolts to check for pathogens in the hands-on fish pathologycourse. industry professionals how to raise salmon for the enhancement of commercial, sport, and subsistence fisheries in Alaska. Project leaders created mariculture and fish pathology courses for the program that also teaches small vessel operation, cold water survival, and outboard motor maintenance. Partnership for Advanced Marine and Environmental Science Training for Pacific Islanders University of Hawai'i at Mfinoa, Honolulu, HI http : / / Par tnership Impacts Faculty & Students at Five Pacific Island Colleges The Partnership for Advanced Marine and Environmental Science Training for Pacific Islanders strengthened regional technological education through the minority-serving community colleges of the Pacific Islands: American Samoa Community College, College of Micronesia-FSM, College of the Marshall Islands, Northern Marianas College, and Palau Community College. The project supports curriculum development, the professional development of community college faculty, internships, and ... field experiences for students while strengthening the scientific infrastructure of the partner institutions. Its focus on climate-change impacts and island-ecosystem sustainability has benefited more than 2,000 students and is enhancing workforce development in STEM disciplines for highly underrepresented minority students. Students perform photo-quadrant surveys to determine the benthic cover in American Samoa.