ATE Impacts 2020-2021

Missouri State University Springfield, MO AVESTA AgEnv Viticulture and Enology Science and Technology Alliance "VESTA's online courses and f,eld experiences at our winery enable me to progress while still working full time. VESTA gave me the competitive edge and knowledge and skills needed to excel as a winemaker in an ever-evolving industry." Danielle Schmidt, Student Apprentice Adam Puchta Winery Hermann, MO Mentored Field Practicums Benefit Students & Employers Feedback from students continues to enable refinement of VESTA's nine, mentored field practicums and two facilitated workshops. These practical learning experiences maximize students' opportunities to apply the knowledge they gain in VESTA's online courses and develop specific ,t. VESTA VLTICULTURE O'ENOLOGY SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGYALLLANCE technical skills. The benefits for employers and students are exemplified by a recent VESTA graduate who became the vineyard manager at the site where he had participated in a field practicum. VESTA also has proven to be a valuable resource for those seeking a second career. Examples include retired law enforcement and military officers who have enrolled in VESTA courses and then established commercial vineyards and wineries. VESTA students work on fermentation tanks and complete other winery operation tasks during apprenticeships.