ATE Impacts 2020-2021

RCNET Prepares Today's Students for Tomorrow's Careers Nuclear technology has quietly been embedded into multiple disciplines and has become crucial to the present and future of the United States' technical workforce. Nuclear industries account for more than 2.6 million jobs and contribute $120 billion toward the nation's gross domestic product. Nuclear energy accounts for 80% of greenhouse-gas-free energy production in the US. With an aging population, usual attrition, and job growth, there will be more than 65,000 high-paying nuclear career opportunities by 2030. RCNET has positioned itself as a leader in nuclear technician education and is preparing today's students for tomorrow's careers. Because the nuclear industry uses emerging technologies such as robotics, sensors, and cybersecurity, RCNET has become an expert An RCNETgraduate and BHI Energy employee shows an RCNET student how to isolate hazardous materials. in embedding emerging technologies into current curriculum pathways. Not only have the aforementioned technologies been embedded into nuclear programs across the nation to diversify technicians' skill sets, but RCNET has also helped colleges embed modules that cover these emerging and converging technologies into other programs such as automotive technology, public safety, and health sciences. Students Outreach Events 2,087 29 50 Professional Development Events Attendees from Secondary Schools Educators Schools 119 60 15 11 Students Impacted 3,401 480 Attendees from Postsecondary Institutions Students Educators Colleges Students Impacted 32 253 153 1,777 283 85* 31 4,334 Nearly 10,000 students have been impacted by RCNET outreach events and faculty professional development programs during 2019. • Most of the college instructors attended multiple RCNETprograms, resulting in total professional development attendance of 305.