ATE Impacts 2020-2021

Advanced Manufacturing and Automation Flexible Delivery (AMAFD) Truckee Meadows Community College, Reno, NV http : / / Flexible Delivery Addresses Students Needs AMAFD allows Truckee Meadows Community College students to complete course readings, view videos of lectures, and take quizzes online, and then attend open labs on campus at their convenience. The lab station reservation program, devised for this project, is particularly helpful for rural students. By reserving lab stations during open labs, students are assured of immediate access to space in the lab at times that fit their schedules. Instructors staff the lab to help students with questions or problems. More than 500 advanced manufacturing students benefited from the reconfigured, industry-aligned curriculum in 2018-2019. Central Virginia Advanced Manufacturing Initiative Piedmont Virginia Community College, Charlottesville, VA http : / / L-- Students take advantage of a six-day, IO-hour open lab schedule to complete assignments. Project-Based Modules Enga ge New Generation of Technic ians The Central Virginia Advanced Manufacturing Initiative has created 10 impressive project-based modules that are being used in college and high school courses and incorporated into recruitment activities. The dynamic involvement of 17 employers who serve as advisors is exemplified by one manufacturer's implementation of a wireless production device developed by students who were employees working toward AAS degrees. The initiative's collaboration with Emerson Automation Solutions received the Career and Technical Education Creating Central Virginia Advanced Manufacturing Initiative Outcomes Data Student Enrollments Courses (*includes 9 on Campus, 1 Online, 2 at Industry Sites) Declared majors in Industrial Electronics MS, Certificate or Electronics 2016 86 7 2019 % Increase 178 106% 12* 71% Excellence Award from the Virginia Technology Certificate Programs 18 45 150% Department of Education. As a project partner, the company covered the cost for 23 Since the initiative began, enrollment in manufacturing programs at Piedmont Virginia Community College has doubled; courses and employees to take college credit courses at declared majors have increased too. its facility.