ATE Impacts 2020-2021

The National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program has multiple facets that have yielded a plethora of positive outcomes. All ATE program efforts aim to help students gain the skills they need for productive STEM technical careers and to enhance the work of educators engaged in preparing the STEM technical workforce. ATE projects and centers work in and across the STEM disciplines that are critical for the nation’s economy and security. Through collaborations with employers, other education sectors, and public agencies, ATE principal investigators endeavor to sustain their innovative initiatives and maximize the National Science Foundation’s investment of taxpayer funds. These data points provide a snapshot of their efforts. MOST ATE GRANTEES ARE LOCATED AT TWO-YEAR COLLEGES ALL ATE PROJECTS & CENTERS BY SUBJECT AREA IN 2018, COLLABORATORS PROVIDED MORE THAN $15 MILLION IN MONETARY AND IN-KIND SUPPORT. IN 2018, ATE PROJECTS AND CENTERS PROVIDED WEBINARS, WORKSHOPS, SUMMER INSTITUTES, AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR CURRENT AND FUTURE EDUCATORS ATE PROJECT AND CENTER COLLABORATORS 73 % TWO- YEAR NON- PROFITS 6 % FOUR- YEAR 18 % SUCH AS COURSES, MODULES, LAB EXPERIMENTS, OR OTHER TYPES OF EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES. IN 2018, ATE PROJECTS AND CENTERS DEVELOPED 7,110 MATERIALS Source: ATE Annual Survey: 2019 Report from EvaluATE ( ) (n=279) ATE by the Numbers OTHER ATE PROJECT & CENTERS 490 PUBLIC AGENCIES 550 WITHIN HOST INSTITUTION 610 2- OR 4-YEAR COLLEGES 2,260 BUSINESS & INDUSTRY 3,810 K-12 SCHOOLS OR SCHOOL SYSTEM 2,510 1,080 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES OF ATE INITIATIVES THAT MODIFIED DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS IN 2018 EMPHASIZED RECRUITMENT FROM GROUPS UNDERREPRESENTED IN STEM FIELDS. 84% Micro&Nanotechnologies Centers Projects Information&Security Centers Projects General AdvancedTech Centers Projects Engineering Centers Projects Biological&Chemical Centers Projects Agricultural&Environmental Centers Projects AdvancedManufacturing Centers Projects 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Engineering Biological& Chemical Agricultural& Environmental Advanced Manufacturing General AdvancedTech Information& Security Micro& Nanotechnologies 2 4 5 4 4 2 9 70 55 65 19 35 54 5 Source:ATECentral RetrievedJanuary2020