ATE Impacts 2020-2021

"She Made It" Campaign Recruits Females Center personnel developed "She Made It" branding to recruit females to manufacturing careers. This campaign includes giveaways, banners, manufacturing career information, and videos that feature young women excelling early in their manufacturing careers and successful women at the end of their careers. New Video Explains Digital Badge Pathway MSAMCOE created a video overview of the Digital Badge Pathway ( for its website and to introduce the program to teachers via webinars. MSAMCOE promotes the Digital Badge Pathway at conferences and youth outreach events such as robotics competitions. As of fall 2019, 604 badges had been issued to students. Revised Curriculum Uses Competency-based Approach MSAMCOE provided competency-based education (CBE) training to 27 faculty members from 11 Minnesota colleges. The faculty then revised the existing 360 eTECH curriculum Mastering metal-Joining techniques, such as brazing brass, is an essential skill for manufacturing technicians. and developed a medical device manufacturing certificate using CBE principles. Manufacturers provided feedback on the revised curriculum via in-person meetings, online surveys, and a web-based poll at a state manufacturing conference. The CBE approach is expected to provide students and employers with clearer skill indicators that facilitate more flexible career paths and more efficient credential completion. I I Manufacturer Hosts 132 105 Students Attended 2,040 2,100 Educators Attended 136 114 138 2,383 92 181 2,220 91 195 II I 445 Total Attendance (Students & General Public) 11,088 14,910 19,698 25,720 -· MSAMCOE's targeted outreach to school superintendents helped increase participation by students and educators in the 2019 Statewide Tour of Manufacturing in Minnesota. 11