ATE Impacts 2020-2021

ATE IMPACTS 2020-2021 ISBN 978-1-7323983-1-3 PDF version available at Request free print copies at Materials and resources created by ATE centers and projects can be found on the websites listed inside or via ATE Central ( ) . More information about ATE student successes, program innovations, and other outcomes is available on the ATE Impacts blog ( ). Engineering Advanced Manufacturing Agricultural and Environmental Micro and Nanotechnologies Information and Security Biological and Chemical Advanced Technological Education (ATE) projects and centers lead efforts to improve technician education across the United States with support from the National Science Foundation. The two-year college educators who have leadership roles in ATE projects and centers work in partnership with industry and across education sectors to increase the knowledge and skills of technicians and the educators who teach them. By working together, educators and employers are developing and testing innovations that strengthen the skilled technical workforce—the workforce that is critical to the nation’s prosperity and security.