ATE Impacts 2020-2021

General Eng General Nano Nano Nano Nano Eng AgEnv AgEnv General Mfg Mfg Mfg FLATE 08 RCNGM 12 Weld-Ed 14 NBC2 VESTA 24 RCNET 22 CAAT 40 LASER-TEC MATE SCA MatEdU 46 SMART SpaceTEC CTC GeoTech ATE Central 60 DeafTEC 62 EvaluATE 64 90 SCME 86 Nano-Link 88 NEATEC 84 NACK NCC CSSIA Bio/Chem Info Mfg AgEnv Bio/Chem Eng Eng Eng Eng Eng Info Info Info Info MSAMCOE 10 ATE Technician Employability Skills PathTech LISTEN UVUNanotech CREATE 20 Clean Tech ATE Enhancing Aquaculture Partnership for Advanced Marine and Environmental Science Training =or acific slanders Developing a Precision Agriculture Workforce Ladder (LIFT-PA) SMART Future North Dakota Welds Program (NDWelds) entral (ir]inia dˆanced Manu=acturin] nitiatiˆe Advanced Manufacturing and utomation leŠi0le eliˆery Ŏ M ŏ 32 InnovATE BIO 30 iotec_nolo]y &nified ducation et‰orh o= pportunities Ŏ & ŏ $ec_nician $rainin] in ene ditin] Ŏ$$i ŏ Building New Pathways to Biotechnology Centers oordination et‰orh =or dˆanced iomanu=acturin] 76 52 42 54 72 74 70 NCyTE 78 44 BEST Eng 38 NCAT Eng 48 50 atiˆes in y0ersecurity ducation Ŏ ŏ at_‰ays to eospatial $ec_nolo]y and Careers (PGTC) RoadMAPPS to Careers Simul-ATE Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work reatin] $ec_nical "c_olars Ŏ $"ŏ Skilled Women Get STEM Jobs Stairway to STEM Mec_atronics ‰it_ nstrumentation and Controls (MwIC) Northwest Engineering and Vehicle $ec_nolo]y Šc_an]e Ŏ ($ *ŏ "hilled $ec_nical ducation ŝ Šperiential earnin] Ŏ"$ ŏ UAS Curriculum for Industry Demand (U-CID) Northwest Engineering and Vehicle $ec_nolo]y Šc_an]e Ŏ ($ *ŏ 26 56 93 16 56 92 80 17 26 56 66 27 27 34 93 57 81 16 66 35 80 67 57 67 81 17 35 34 Nanotechnology Professional Development Partnership (NPDP) 92 ATE Projects and Centers Source: ATE Central ( )