ATE project and center PIs and staff understand first hand the reach and impact of community colleges and a recent report from the American Association of Community Colleges helps provide compelling evidence of the breadth and depth of community college’s positive effects on both the US economy and individual students.
The eighty-eight page report (Where Value Meets Values) is chock full of useful data and analysis and provides an overview of public community colleges’ impact on the national economy and the return on investment for students, society at large, and individual taxpayers.
Community colleges contributed $809 billion to the United States economy in 2012. This number is equal to 5.4 percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Or the entire GDP of the Netherlands. Or more than twice the net worth of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. The authors also estimate that for every dollar community college students spend on tuition, they stand to gain $4.80 in increased future wages. This translates into a rate of return of 17.8% - a far cry from bank account interest rates.