ATE Impacts 2020-2021

Gi) Featured ATE Projects - Information and Security Technologies Natives in Cybersecurity Education {NICE) Turtle Mountain Community College, Belcourt, ND NICE Pr oject Prepares Native Americans for Cybersecurit y Careers The NICE project teaches cybersecurity skills to members of the Turtle Mountain Tribe. The cybersecurity AAS degree that project leaders developed with the five-institution Northern Information Technology Consortium is designed for adaptation by other tribal colleges. The project also partners with TestOut for online labs that give students hands-on cybersecurity experiences in safe, simulated environments. The labs prepare students for industry-recognized certification exams. The NICE project improves information assurance education at tribal colleges and encourages Native Americans, women, and veterans to pursue cybersecurity careers. Nine students took the project's first cybersecurity course in spring 2019. Four female and four male students-chosen from local high schools based on their interest in earning cybersecurity degrees-and two instructors learned cyberdefense skills sought by employers during a week-long Cyber Patriot camp at Bismarck State College in summer 2019. Pathways to Geospatial Technology and Careers {PGTC) Bronx Community College, Bronx, NY Project Creates Geospatial Pathways & Careers in Metro New York Cit y PGTC creates skilled geospatial technicians by offering inquiry-based, year-round workshops, professional development programs, and workforce-focused research internships for underrepresented students and educators from schools and colleges in the New York City region. Geospatial experts from a dozen leading companies deliver guest workshops, host brown bag lunch sessions, and offer internships to undergraduates and high school students. Since 2017, 229 students from middle schools, high schools, and undergraduate institutions, and 29 educators from schools and colleges have been exposed to geo-analytics and cutting-edge research. All PGTC activities are conducted at the Bronx Community College Geospatial Center of the City University of New York CREST Institute, a state-of­ the-art geospatial computer facility. PGTC Program Participation 2017 to August 2019 • • Students Attending High School Workshops Students Attending Middle School Workshops • Students Attending Undergraduate Workshops K-16 Educators Attending Faculty Workshops • Research Interns PGTC's collaborations with ESRI, Harris, NASA, Digital Globe, Langan, HERE, and Open support and facilitate all its programs.